Meet Berfîn Çiçek, Artist & Gallery Founder
10th November 2023

My architecture training lead me to fall back into the fine arts, where my true passion lies. Trained classically and eventually had my first studio in London, where I’ve produced various different kinds of paintings in a mission to find my voice and fingerprint in the arts. I noticed the challenges and difficulties for emerging artists to make it in the exclusive art world, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds (BAME, women, LGBTQ+), so I decided to launch my own art gallery in a bid to blend out the imbalances in the art world. Meanwhile, my art style is now heading towards more contemporary and cubism approach.
I manoeuvre between two different hats: my artist hat, and my gallerist hat. It’s an interesting journey I’ve taken, and no matter how challenging - I love every second of it.
What drew you to the LP label and connected you to the brand?
LP distinguishes herself in the fashion industry through her authentic character, a quality that can be a rare find in an environment often associated with opulence and exclusivity. While maintaining her genuine persona, LP excels in crafting high-quality pieces that not only showcase her artistic vision but also exemplify her commitment to delivering exceptional craftsmanship and sustainable fashion.
Why was collaborating with Laura Pitharas Important to you?
Laura and I instantly connected through our art and fashion creations and the idea of merging our talents together was a no-brainer. It’s an honour to collaborate with a name that will be the next big name in the fashion world - watch out!
Why do you love LP designs and clothes?
The style, fitting and quality of the LP pieces is an art in itself. Their approach to sustainability is also a huge factor. I immediately feel part of something greater than just wearing any other suit. You instantly look good and feel good in LP! I’d also rather spend more for the quality that will last longer than fast fashion products.
Whats your favourite LP Piece you own that you would recommend to other LP women?
This is a hard question, but I’d say my LP pants. Silk shirt and blazer? If I have to pick one - silk shirt. It feels so good on my skin and screams quality.
Which LP piece is on your current Wishlist?
Hmmm… I’d say the coat! And since I have my first LP suit in black, I’d like to explore different colours too.
Berfîn art work is available to view and purchase on her website -